New feature in iOS 14, iPhone prompt tone can finally be modified!

Every iPhone user should have such a worry, why couldn't the iPhone prompt tone be modified? But not anymore until iOS 14 was released a while ago. As a brand-new version, iOS 14 not only updated many features, but also added many features that were not available before, such as the much-anticipated modification to the iPhone's prompt tone. iPhone users have already been tired of the default beep. So a lot of new iPhone12 users will hurry to replace the original prompt tone.

Here is a brief introduction to the setup method. But before you can set it up, you need to download the "Shortcuts" APP.

Step ONE, create a personalized prompt tone

1. Make sure you have a video, either filmed or downloaded , in your iPhone's Albums before setting it up. Open the Shortcuts APP and click "Video Prompt Tone Extraction". Then select the video you just prepared and click "Select" in the lower right corner. So the sound code is created and copied to the paste board.
2. Open the shortcuts APP again, and there is "My Shortcuts" at the bottom. Click to enter the new shortcut command page, click "Add action".
3. Search for "Text" at the top of the page, find it in the feedback and click on "Text".
4. After entering the Text page, long press and paste the sound code you got just now. Then click the plus button at the bottom.
5. Click "Scripting" on the page. After entering the Scripting page, find and click the "Base64 encoding" under "File".
6. Modify "encoding" to "decoding", then click the plus button again.
8. Find and click "Play Sound" under "Notification". Click "Next" at the top right corner to name the shortcut command of the sound. Then, click "Done" at the top right corner, and the prompt tone is done.

Step TWO, set the charging prompt tone

1. Open the shortcuts APP, click the "Automation" at the bottom, and then select "Create Personal Automation".
2. Click on the "Charger" at the bottom. Select "Connected" and click "Next".
3, Add action, search "Shortcuts" in the top search box, click it in the feedback, and then click "Get my shortcuts". Then click "Next".
4. Click "Shortcuts", after entering the selection page, key in the name of the sound you just made in the search box. For example, "I'm helpless." Select this shortcut in the search results.
5. After the selection, click "Next". Go to the new automation page, where we can see a complete automation instruction item. But you need to set "Ask before running" to "Don't ask". Finally, click "Done".

This new released iOS14 feature isn't particularly useful, but it's what many iPhone owners have been hoping for years. It may seem like a lot of steps, but try it out and you'll see how easy it is. Give it a try, and you'll have your own iPhone charging prompt tone.

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